Because I have continuously handled condominium issues since 1978, I consider it a sub-specialty.
I prepare the governing documents which are the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's), Articles of Incorporation for the proposed homeowners' association and Bylaws for the proposed homeowners' association. In addition, I often assist my owner/developer clients in preparing Rules and Regulations, primarily tailored for the use of common areas in the subdivision. In drafting the CC&R's, I work with the civil engineers who draw up the subdivision maps in order to derive condominium plans that are part of the CC&R's.
I advise owners/developers regarding managing the subdivision before all of the units are sold and explain the numerous provisions of the CC&R's.
I represent homeowners' associations with respect to matters that arise in terms of the duties of boards of directors, management, voting, notices to homeowners, "hot-button" homeowners' complaints, levying assessments, collecting homeowners' dues, construction defects, regulation of common areas and related matters.
I also represent individual homeowners who have problems with homeowners' associations, such as when an association fails to do necessary maintenance or fails to enforce the CC&R's with respect to noisy neighbors, illegal architectural modifications, parking disputes, nuisances, unauthorized pets and similar situations.
My experience as a director on the boards of four non-profit corporations has tutored me in the dynamics of boards of directors and the duties and restrictions placed upon them.