I use a 24/7 answering service which notifies me by text and email immediately after the person answering the call takes each message, allowing me to return calls right away when I am available. This service also gives each caller the option of leaving a detailed, confidential voice message for me about the caller's need for an attorney or reason for wishing to speak with me.
If you are a potential new client and you leave a voice message, it is best to tell me the names of any persons whose interests are actually or potentially adverse to yours so that I can check for any conflicts of interest that I may have.
Another way to contact my office is to send me an email describing the situation or circumstance which leads you to reach out for my assistance. In an initial email contact, it also is helpful to provide me with the names of any persons whose interests are actually or potentially adverse to yours in order to enable me to check for any conflicts of interest that I may have.
In the alternative, you may use my contact form to indicate your area of concern and to request contact from me.
Law and Mediation Office of Leslie A. Levy
1718 Solano Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94707
Telephone: 510 222-2200
FAX: 510 223-0200
E-mail: lal@levylaw.biz
Web site: http://www.levylaw.biz